viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

The guardian News :)

The new i choose is "Mother killed in South African university stampede" which is at: for you to read it ! :)

This new is about a mother who was killed in a stampede at the entry of the University of Johannesburg,  located in Southafrica , while students tried to force their way to register at that institution, on 10 of January of the present year.
Some of students who wanted to get a slot and their families with them, had camped out for 24 hours, specting to be the firsts to enter.
Ihron Rensburg, the university vice-chancellor, said: “When we opened the gates this morning, we had this unfortunate, this very sad situation, where there was simply an unbearable crush on the front entrance, or front gate." 
The mother who was killed accompanied her son to the campus, while he was inside the registration tent, so he didn’t had a clue of what was happening at the moment of the incident.
Besides that woman, three other people were critically injured and nearly 20 others hurt in the stampede. Witnesses said it was a traumatising scene to see the women screaming and people continuing to push.
This acccident, according to the author of the article “is an stark symptom of how the country is struggling to meet demand for edication among the poor.”, and its a signal of crisis in the educational system of Southafrica, that, in order to leave the discrimination of the apartheid behind, had been lowering the academics requirements for the black people in the country, wich leads to another type of discrimination, the one that treat black people like they were less capable of getting the same results than the others. And in the way, ruins the quality of southafrican's education. 

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