viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Give yourself

Today i’m going to write about christmas gifts. Personally I love christmas, not because of the presents (well, not ONLY because of the presents…) but because I spend a really good time with my family on that day… I guess the real present for us is to enjoy each other’s company. We pass our entire day cooking and preparing everything for the night, my mother is the one more excited about christmas every year... she has that familiar spirit, she loves to see us all together, laughing and eating yummy stuff :P
Well, about the gifts… i remember when i got a bicycle from my parents, when i was like 7 years old and I didn’t know how to ride one, it was a bit hard to learn (between hurting falls) but when i achieved the mastery of bicycling i couldn’t stop riding trough the passage i lived back then.
The thing i love to do about gifts on christmas or other special days, like birthdays, anniversaries , etc. Is to do the gifts myself, with my own hands. I like to give drawings, things I write to them, or little scultures (most of them with animal forms)  as presents to people. (The escultures I create are not this beautiful, but is good to dream sometimes).

My favorite presents are the ones that i’m not expecting, and the creative ones. I would actually like to recieve freak gifts as antiques from all over the world, a wig (I forgot that a good friend of mine gave me a wig already, but it wouldn’t be bad to recieve another one, of another colour), a costume, weird posters from bands, movies, and oh! There’s something i’ve wanted since a long time… and i still can’t get it L.. a tricycle, like the ones that “cartoneros” use or something similar, because i want it to pick up my friends at their houses and lead them through a city tour, expecting  everyone to take turns to pedal, of course.

4 comentarios:

  1. yes! you put a part of your soul in the gift

  2. +100.00 to the cartonero's tricycle idea
    and oh! sculptures, that's freak ahaha
    when is ur birthday? i think i will give you a wig xD

  3. awwww a cicle! a alwys want to haved one and i have only haved one als i was 6 years old... in that time i broked it and my father never buy me another to me =( and it would be very useful to me in the university!!!

    true, and sad story xD
